Thursday, October 4, 2018

Return to Old School

I watch a lot of TV, as I’m sure you do. I’m also sure like me, you have binge watched many shows. You get hooked into the story and as the credits start to roll the app asks if you want more. How could one more hurt? So you watch the next, and the next, and the next, until there are no more left. Maybe you’re fortunate enough to find the next show, or maybe you sit adrift for a bit until the next show hooks you. But there’s definitely more, at no other time in television history have there been more shows created in a single year. You even have a massive list of shows you NEED to watch. Your friends keep saying this show is good, your family touts another. Of course there is that one show you haven’t seen that everyone loves, the general populace and all the critics. You feel guilty you haven’t gotten to it yet, but it’s so hard when there are so many options. Besides you just fell in love with this new show, maybe after you binge this one you will finally get to that other one. Maybe.

Anyways I’m tired of this process. I’m tired of running through a show at breakneck speed only to hit a wall once I’m done and unable to figure out what to watch next. Yes I hear the Handmaid’s Tale is good, but do I want to dedicate the next 12 hours of my viewing time to a show that depressing? Am I in the mood to watch Brooklyn 99 for the next few weeks to understand why so many people were upset that it got cancelled for a day?

 In the hopes of getting to actually watch more shows on my massive to watch list, while also not needing to dedicate myself to watch ONLY that show. I have decided to return to the scheduled TV viewing. Just like when the only way to watch TV shows was for them to on RIGHT NOW, I’m going to watch about two hours’ worth of shows each school night. Sunday night through Thursday. With each night will be a different block of programs. The following week I will go back to the next episode. This should not only allow more variety, but I’m hoping it will increase the quality of the shows. It seems that episodes blend together as you binge them, making it harder to remember what specifically happened and when it happened. Also I miss ruminating and theorizing what will happen next. When I find that out a minute after the question is asked, it loses some suspense and satisfaction.

I’ve mostly worked out my schedule, and being a giant nerd oh did I spend a lot of time working on the schedule. I’m less concerned on what day each block of viewing goes and more about the themes going together. I will post the list next time, for those curious.

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